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الموضوع: jordan times

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
    قلبي الصغير
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    jordan times

    jordan times

    His Majesty King Abdullah poses for a group photo with key participants in the Amman Extraordinary Motoring Conference headed by HRH Prince Feisal, chairman of Jordan Motorsport, in Amman on Thursday

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
    قلبي الصغير
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    Maliki ditches old Shiite allies for polls

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki announced on Thursday a new coalition that will run against former Shiite Muslim allies in January's national elections, raising the prospect of intra-sectarian strife.

    Number of 'abject poor' in Gaza triples - UN


    The number of Gazans living in "abject" poverty has tripled this year to 300,000, or one in five residents, the Gaza head of the UN agency helping Palestinian refugees said Thursday.

    Gaza's economy has foundered under an Israeli-Egyptian border blockade imposed after the Islamic group Hamas seized control of the territory in 2007 from forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

    John Ging, the UN Relief and Works Agency's top official in Gaza, called the rise in poverty a "predictable consequence" of the border blockade.

    "The suffering, the impoverishment, the misery of the people here in Gaza continues to rise because of a man-made crisis, a political failure," Ging told reporters.

    The blockade's toll on Gaza residents was compounded by Israel's winter offensive in the strip. Thousands of homes, government buildings and businesses were destroyed during the Israeli campaign.

    UN staff said the rise also reflects improved monitoring of refugees' economic conditions.

    The UN agency provides services, including emergency food rations, to 750,000 of Gaza's 1.4 million residents.

    Those who are unable to feed their families are considered "abject poor" and receive extra aid, the agency said.

    Ging said lifting the blockade is the only way to stop Gaza's rising poverty, and appealed for more funding to help his agency meet the growing need.

    Israeli officials have said they fear that easing the blockade will benefit Hamas, and say they won't reopen the border crossings until the armed group releases an Israeli soldier captured more than three years ago.

    A first sign of progress towards a prisoner exchange emerged Wednesday when Israel agreed to release 20 Palestinian women from its prisons in exchange for a recent video of the soldier.

    ‘Fatal blow’

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday the United Nations would deal a "fatal blow" to prospects for Palestinian-Israeli peace if it endorsed a report critical of Israel's January war in Gaza.

    Israel has been stepping up public attacks on the report into its three-week offensive in the Gaza Strip - calling it unbalanced and one-sided - before a meeting on Friday by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council.

    "Advancing the so-called Goldstone report will deal a fatal blow to the peace process," Netanyahu said at the start of a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    "Israel will not be able to take further steps and take risks for peace if it is denied the right of self-defence," he said, echoing comments he made last week at the UN General Assembly.

    Formal negotiations on Palestinian statehood have been suspended since the Gaza conflict.

    Richard Goldstone, a former UN war crimes prosecutor who led the UN inquiry, urged on Tuesday the 47-member state Human Rights Council to adopt the report, which found that the Israeli military and Palestinian fighters committed war crimes.

    Adoption of the report would mean it is referred to the UN Security Council for further action.

    Goldstone has urged the Security Council to bring the allegations to the International Criminal Court in the Hague if either Israel or Palestinian authorities failed to investigate and prosecute those suspected of such crimes within six months.

    Israel launched the Gaza offensive with the declared aim of halting cross-border rocket attacks by Palestinian fighters.

    A Palestinian rights group says 1,417 Palestinians, including 926 civilians, were killed in the Gaza war. Israel has said 709 Palestinian combatants, 295 civilians and 162 people whose status it was unable to clarify were killed.

    Israel lost 10 soldiers and three civilians in the offensive.

    In a briefing to reporters after the Israeli Cabinet met, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Netanyahu's government was discussing the possibility of setting up an independent commission to look into the military's conduct of the Gaza war.

    Air strike

    Israeli warplanes bombed smuggling tunnels in southern Gaza overnight after a rocket was fired from the Hamas-run territory, but neither attack caused injuries, officials and medics said on Thursday.

    The air raid struck two tunnels on the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, the Israeli army said. Palestinian medics reported no casualties.

    Late on Wednesday, fighters in Gaza fired a rocket into Israel, with the projectile causing no injuries or damage.

    And near the Kissufim crossing in the south, Palestinian gunmen fired mortars into Israel and the army responded with tank fire, again with no casualties, medics said.

    It marked the latest violence along Gaza's border, which has been mostly quiet since Israel’s offensive ended with mutual ceasefires on January 18.

    The ceasefire has largely held despite violations by both sides, but the past few weeks have seen an increase in both rocket fire and Israeli strikes.

    Separately, a 20-year-old Palestinian man, Tamer Nahal, was killed in an electrocution accident in one of the smuggling tunnels, medics said.

    Since Israel and Egypt sealed Gaza off to all but basic goods following the Islamist Hamas movement's seizure of the territory in June 2007, a vast trade involving hundreds of tunnels has developed along the border.

    Since then more than 120 Palestinians have died in cave-ins or been killed by Israeli operations targeting the network, according to Palestinian medics

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
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    Iran talks were productive but incomplete - Clinton

    US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday that international talks with Iran had "opened the door" to potential progress on clarifying the country's nuclear ambitions.

    Speaking to reporters shortly after the talks ended in Switzerland, Clinton struck a cautious tone and said it remained to be seen whether the Iranians would act decisively to address concerns about their intentions.

    "There were a number of issues raised, put on the table, and now we have to wait and see how quickly - and whether - Iran responds," she said. She did not specify the issues or speak in detail about how Iran should respond.

    Clinton said she got a rundown on the substance of the talks in a telephone call from William Burns, who represented the Obama administration. The other countries involved were Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany.

    "It was a productive day, but the proof of that has not yet come to fruition, so we'll wait and continue to press our point of view and see what Iran decides to do," Clinton said.

    Asked whether the US strategy of offering more direct dialogue with Iran was paying off, she said more than gestures and discussions are required.

    "I will count it as a positive sign when it moves from gestures and engagements to actions and results," she said. "That's a necessary pathway and I think we're on it.”

    “We've always said we would engage. But we're not talking for the sake of talking," she said, adding: "Today's meeting opened the door, but let's see what happens."

    Department spokesman Ian C. Kelly said later that during a session with the Iranian negotiator, Burns raised human rights issues as well as US concerns about three Americans arrested in Iran in July for illegally entering the country from Iraq.

    Kelly said Burns stressed US concerns about Iran's nuclear programme and raised the case of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, missing in Iran in 2007 while working as a private consultant.

    Burns told the Iranian that the Americans' cases were "an urgent matter and must be resolved as soon as possible".

    ‘Good discussions’

    Iran negotiator Saeed Jalili said Thursday "good" discussions had taken place and international inspectors would be allowed to "supervise" its new enrichment plant.

    "We had good discussions and we expressed the points of view of the Islamic republic," he said after the talks with six world powers, adding the meeting agreed on the format for further negotiations to be held by the end of October.

    "There has been a stop in discussions since July 2008, but I do not have the feeling that the discussions will stop, rather they will continue," he added.

    Jalili met his counterparts from the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany in a villa overlooking Lake Geneva and the parties agreed to reconvene later this month.

    Following Thursday's discussions, Jalili said during a news conference that "all countries should be able to benefit from" the use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes, but "no one should have nuclear weapons". "We are bound by our obligations as part of the Non-Proliferation Treaty," he said, adding that Iran would arrange for the UN nuclear watchdog - the IAEA - to "supervise" its new enrichment plant at the holy city of Qom.

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
    قلبي الصغير
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    By Paul Handley
    Agence France-Presse

    RIYADH - Saudi Arabia is weighing buying an advanced Russian missile system to shore up its defence against a potentially nuclear Iran, Gulf analysts and diplomats said.

    They said Moscow and Riyadh are close to sealing a deal on a multibillion-dollar weapons package that could include Russia’s advanced S-400 missile defence system.

    It is the newest version of the S-300 long-range surface to air missile system that Moscow has been in discussion for several years to sell to Iran, which denies Western charges of aiming to become a nuclear power.

    But heavy Western and Israeli pressure and a possibly more lucrative deal with Riyadh have persuaded Moscow not to go through with that sale to Tehran, diplomats in the Gulf said on condition of anonymity.

    “The Saudis would rather this weapon system not be sold to Iran or Syria,” another possible buyer, said Theodore Karasik, director of research at the Dubai-based Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis.

    The S-400 missile defence system could be a part of a much larger deal with Russia that would signify an important diversification of Saudi arms purchasing from its traditional suppliers - Britain, France and the United States.

    On August 29, Russia’s Interfax news agency said a $2 billion arms package for the Saudis could include up to 150 helicopters - 30 Mi-35 attack helicopters and up to 120 Mi-17 transport helicopters - more than 150 T-90S tanks, 250 BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles and “several dozen” air defence systems.

    Contracts for the sale of the tanks and the helicopters “could be signed as soon as this year”, an unnamed source told Interfax.

    With the S-400, and a reported plan to buy new US F-15 fighters, the Saudis are seeking to plug gaps in their overall defence capabilities vis-a-vis Iran, Karasik said.

    In early September, the well-informed US arms business blog DoDBuzz reported that Riyadh is close to finalising a contract for 72 F-15E Strike Eagles with advanced radar and armaments.

    Saudi officials are increasingly concerned that Western pressure has failed to prevent Iran’s development of nuclear know-how, analysts and diplomats said.

    Like Western governments, Riyadh is unconvinced by Tehran’s insistence that its nuclear ambitions are entirely peaceful.

    The Saudis already have French and US missile defence equipment, including US Patriot batteries. But the S-400 is believed to have a much greater range than the Patriot.

    The Saudis seek several advantages from the deal, first being a way of persuading Moscow to put pressure on Tehran to rein in its nuclear ambitions.

    “I think the Saudis see it as a way to get the Russians to be a back channel to Iran,” Karasik said.

    Another aim may be to signal unhappiness with some of the problems associated with purchases from traditional suppliers, like Washington’s bureaucratic and politicised approval process for foreign arms sales.

    Analysts and diplomats say it is still unclear just what the attack helicopters, tanks, armoured personnel carriers and other equipment are for.

    Some believe the purchases could relate to bureaucratic rivalries between the powerful National Guard, controlled directly by the king, the ministry of defence and the ministry of interior.

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
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    Yemen accuses southern leader of assassination bid

    ADEN (Reuters) - Yemen accused a leading figure among separatists in the south on Thursday of being behind an assassination attempt against a senior security official this week.

    Nasser Mansour Hadi, head of Yemen’s political security body in the south and brother of the vice president, survived an apparent assassination attempt on Wednesday when gunmen opened fire on his motorcade in the town of Zinjibar. Witnesses said two members of his security detail were wounded.

    The incident came amid a day of widespread protests in southern provinces led by the opposition Southern Movement that wants to reestablish a south Yemeni state that unified with its northern neighbour in 1990 and failed to secede in a 1994 war.

    “[Hadi] survived a treacherous assassination attempt on the part of subversive elements outside the constitution, system and law belonging to Tarek Al Fadhli,” an interior ministry source said in a statement.

    “The perpetrators will not escape punishment and security agencies are now hunting them so they face justice.” Fadhli is a tribal leader who switched allegiance to the southerners in 2008. Separatists and security forces exchanged fire on Monday at the house of a relative of Fadhli in Zinjibar.

    War in north

    In comments to pro-south website Aden News, Fadhli denied any involvement and accused the authorities of staging the attack to sow discord among southern opposition.

    He said Hadi, a southerner, was respected in the south, where most of Yemen’s oil facilities are located.

    “Hadi is a figure we have a lot of appreciation for and we could never direct our arms at sons of the south under any circumstances,” the site quoted Fadhli as saying.

    The latest flare-up of violence coincides with a war in Yemen’s far north since early August between the army and insurgents of the Zaidi Shiite sect, who also complain of political and economic marginalisation by the government of veteran President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

    Zaydis make up about a third of Yemen’s population of about 23 million people, mainly Sunni Muslims.

    The United States and Saudi Arabia, the world’s leading oil exporter which adheres to a strict form of Sunni Islam, fear opposition to Saleh’s rule in the north and south could play into the hands of Al Qaeda, which could exploit instability to carry out attacks.

    The militant group has staged a comeback with attacks on government and foreign targets in Yemen over the past two years

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
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    Abbas to tour Yemen, Syria and Italy

    RAMALLAH (AFP) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will visit Yemen, Syria and Italy next week for discussions on the stalled Middle East peace process, his spokesman said on Thursday. Abbas leaves Sunday for Yemen where he will meet President Ali Abdullah Saleh to discuss international and Arab efforts to advance the peace process, said spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina. On Monday, Abbas is to travel to Syria and then to Rome, Abu Rudeina said. The United States has been struggling to get Israel and the Palestinians to relaunch direct peace talks which were suspended in late December during the Gaza war, with the thorny issue of continued Israeli settlement construction a key stumbling block.

    Arab Israelis hold protest strike

    ARABA, Israel (AFP) - Arab Israelis staged a general strike on Thursday to protest what organisers called “racist” policies and to mark the ninth anniversary of demonstrations at which police killed 13 Arabs. The strike culminated in a rally in the northern Israel village of Araba, where thousands of people chanted “with our blood, with our souls, we will protect you Palestine”. A woman carried a picture of her young son who died in October 2000 when Israeli police killed 13 Arab Israelis who took part in protests that broke out days after the Palestinian uprising, or Intifada, started. “The government is run by gangsters, not statesmen,” the 58-year-old said. Stores, schools and other establishments were shuttered in predominantly Arab communities, including the Biblical city of Nazareth, and media reports said the strike was followed by about 90 per cent of the Arab Israeli population. Israel’s Arab community makes up around 20 per cent of the country’s population of seven million. It is descended from the 160,000 Palestinians who remained in Israel after its creation in 1948 on Palestinian land.

    ‘Strictly no samba in Tyre’

    TYRE, Lebanon (AFP) - A group of Lebanese Muslim scholars on Thursday forced the cancellation of a planned performance by a Brazilian samba troupe in the southern coastal city of Tyre on moral and religious grounds. “This is a pornographic dance group that goes against our ethics,” Sheikh Ali Yassin, one of 50 religious leaders who had called for the cancellation, told AFP. “We fear that once they start dancing nude in the streets, there will be trouble,” Yassin added. “Our society will not accept such a parade. “The city of Tyre is a city of resistance and its history is that of a conservative Muslim city.” The Brazilian troupe has been performing throughout Lebanon since September 23 as part of a festival and planned a final performance in Tyre on Thursday evening. Roberto Medeiros, ministerial adviser and cultural attache at the Brazilian embassy in Beirut, told AFP that measures had been taken to respect the sensitivities of the mainly Muslim population in Tyre, including having the dancers cover their bodies rather than perform in skimpy clothes.

    Kuwaiti daily urges friendly Iraq policy

    KUWAIT CITY (AFP) - A Kuwaiti daily on Thursday urged the government to help ease UN sanctions on former invader Iraq by accepting joint investments for the tens of billions of dollars of war reparations it is owed. “Compensation remains the main stumbling block or bottleneck in relations with Iraq,” Al Jarida newspaper said in a front-page editorial by former liberal MP Mohammad Jassem Al Sager. “Resolving this issue has become a necessity through a new objective approach starting with reduction and following it through with the UN Security Council by obtaining the compensation in the form of joint investments,” he said. Sager, who headed parliament’s foreign relations committee for almost a decade, said he is certain a Kuwaiti step to reduce compensation would have positive international, regional and Iraqi reactions. He proposes investing compensation in rehabilitating the marshes and Shatt Al Arab waterway in Iraq and establishing international technology, medical and media cities on the common borders of the two Arab neighbours.

  7. #7
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
    قلبي الصغير
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    Israeli diplomat quits Russia after arrest

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian foreign ministry said on Thursday an Israeli diplomat had left the country after being detained by police for “unlawful activities”, Interfax news agency reported. “The first secretary of the Israeli embassy in Moscow, Shmuel Polishok, was detained red-handed in Moscow on September 24,” foreign ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said. “He has already left for home.” Israeli newspaper Maariv reported that the diplomat had been forced to leave the country after being questioned by Russian intelligence agents on suspicion of spying, but Nesterenko did not provide details.

    Israel charges tycoon with fraud

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli authorities have indicted a Russian-born tycoon who fled the country on charges of fraud and money laundering. The indictment filed in a Tel Aviv court on Thursday said Arkady Gaydamak conspired with senior Israeli banking officials to conceal financial activities worth about $175 million. Gaydamak was well known in Israel for underwriting high-profile philanthropic projects and buying a popular football club. He left the country last year for Russia under police investigation and after an attempt to become mayor of Jerusalem ended in a humiliating defeat.

    South Sudan threatens election boycott

    KHARTOUM (AP) - Sudan’s southern partner in the national government and several major opposition parties have threatened to boycott next year’s landmark presidential and national elections if major reforms are not passed in the next two months. The five-day conference organised by the dominant political party in South Sudan was boycotted by the northern ruling party led by President Omar Bashir. Wednesday’s final statement, e-mailed to The Associated Press, said laws dealing with media, national security and other issues must be changed before the end of November to ensure the April elections are fair. The statement called on Bashir’s party to join the dialogue aimed at resolving disagreements over how to hold the elections and settle the conflict in Darfur

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
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    By Khetam Malkawi

    AMMAN - Indonesian Ambassador in Amman Zainulbahar Noor called on the government to reconsider entry procedures for Indonesians.

    In an interview with The Jordan Times on Tuesday, the ambassador said that although the government facilitates the entry of Indonesian nationals, the procedures also allow for the entry of illegal and unfit workers.

    Noor added that the procedures, under which Indonesians can receive visas upon their entry to the Kingdom, were enacted before the establishment of a Jordanian embassy in his country.

    With a Jordanian diplomatic mission now present in Jakarta, the Indonesian government prefers visas to be issued to their citizens prior to departure, he said.

    “Immigration is becoming a business all over the country and many people are players, especially in Jordan,” the diplomat told The Jordan Times, adding that Indonesians face stricter regulations in “almost all” countries in the region, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Iraq.

    “Jordan is becoming a stopover point, the main gateway for Indonesian workers to be sent by their sponsors to Kurdistan, Iraq or Syria,” he said.

    If an Indonesian worker does not meet requirements in any country, then they are told by their sponsors to come to Jordan because of less stringent visa procedures, he added.

    The Indonesian diplomat also referred to “sponsors” in Indonesia, who illegally solicit families in rural villages to employ their daughters.

    “These sponsors work in an illegal manner. They pick up girls without taking care of them, checking their health or paying attention to their age,” the ambassador explained.

    Oftentimes, sponsors collect girls, forge their papers and send them to Jordan, explained Imad Sharqawi, a lawyer appointed by the Indonesian embassy.

    “Some of these women are not aware that they are coming to work in Jordan; many are deceived and told that they are coming to work as secretaries,” he said.

    “They are shocked when they discover that they have come to Jordan to become maids,” he added.

    Noor said that cases of forged health certificates only come from those who enter the Kingdom in an illegal manner.

    “Previously, the certificates used to be issued by the Indonesian health ministry. But because the number is increasing our ministry of labour is supplying doctors to carry out the tests,” Noor noted.

    He said that the Indonesian embassy in Amman is ready to offer its facilities to conduct medical checkups for new Indonesians, while the Ministry of Health can send cadres to conduct these checkups.

    Last week, Director of Chest Diseases and Foreigners’ Health Khalid Abu Rumman said health authorities might reconsider the recruitment of Indonesian domestic workers if their counterparts in Jakarta decline to cooperate in conducting medical checkups before they come to Jordan.

    During the first seven months of the year, 181 Indonesian workers tested positive for communicable diseases: 89 for tuberculosis, 72 for hepatitis and 20 for HIV, according to the ministry’s statistics.

    In comparison, 11 tuberculosis, 32 hepatitis and two HIV cases were registered among Filipino workers, while six Sri Lankan domestic workers were diagnosed with tuberculosis, two with hepatitis and one with HIV.

    As for Indonesian workers whose bodies are still in Jordanian morgues, the diplomat said: “We need time to decide whether to bury the bodies in Jordan or Indonesia and contact their families.”

    He noted that as many domestic helpers are from rural villages, and some came into the Kingdom on an illegal basis, the embassy struggles in contacting the deceased’s family.

    The ambassador said 2009 is a “turning point” for the recruitment of Indonesian domestic helpers, highlighting a memorandum of understanding signed earlier this year.

    The memo provides Indonesian domestic helpers in Jordan with legal protection and activates the role of the Indonesian embassy in Jordan in following up on Indonesian domestic helpers.

    According to Labour Ministry figures, between 20,000 and 30,000 Indonesian domestic helpers are currently working in the Kingdom.

    Last month, the Cabinet endorsed new regulations, under which domestic helpers are entitled to religious freedom, healthcare, 10-hour workdays and one day off per week among other benefits.

    Designed to protect the rights of domestic workers in line with international human rights standards, the regulations correspond to a recent amendment to the Labour Law.

    The regulations stipulate that employers are required to pay for their domestic helpers’ work permits and the issuance of a residency permit.

    In addition, the workers are entitled to be in contact with their family in their homeland at least once a month at the employers’ expense, as well as decent living conditions and freedom to practise their own religion

  9. #9
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
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    AMMAN (Petra) - Minister of Industry and Trade Amer Hadidi on Wednesday commended on-going cooperation with the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) member states. In a statement marking the OIC 40th anniversary, he said Jordan has been able to boost its economic and commercial relations with OIC member states within record time through signing its agreements and basic statutes. The commercial exchange volume between Jordan and OIC member states went up from $2.17 billion in 2001 to around $9.4 billion during the last year, he added. Jordan mainly exports chemical products, phosphate and fertilisers to these countries while it imports mineral fuel, natural gas, steel and different electric products from them, Hadidi said, predicting that the coming years will see more cooperation between Jordan and the Islamic entity. Established on September 25th, 1969, the OIC is the second largest inter-governmental organisation, after the United Nations, with 57 member states from four continents

  10. #10
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Tue Jun 2009
    قلبي الصغير
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    AMMAN (JT) - Wednesday’s trading value amounted to JD60 million spread over 39 million shares traded through 16,776 transactions.

    The share price index closed at 2,688 points, a decline of 0.21 per cent.

    Out of 167 corporations whose shares were traded, prices of 52 companies rose, and those of 93 firms declined.

    The top five gainers were Amad Investment & Real Estate Development by 5 per cent, Unified Transport & Logistics by 5 per cent, Rum Group for Transportation & Tourism Investment by 4.88 per cent, Union Land Development Corporation by 4.83 per cent and Mediterranean Tourism Investment by 4.81 per cent.

    The top five losers were Offtec Holding Group by 5 per cent, South Electronics by 5 per cent, Tuhama for Financial Investments by 5 per cent, Darwish Al Khalili & Sons by 4.93 per cent and United Group Holdings by 4.92 per cent

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