احباب الاردن التعليمي

صفحة 38 من 43 الأولىالأولى ... 283637383940 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة
النتائج 371 إلى 380 من 426

الموضوع: حوار على طاولة ناثر العود ...واضواء الشموع ..!!

  1. #371
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    to be sure that i will always be with u
    and you will always be in my mind

    Though I can’t be there with you right now, these words can be. So I want you to save them in a special place and, every now and then, think of me.

    I want you to set this aside and remember it when you are feeling wonderful, so it can remind you that this is exactly how you make me feel…

    I want you to set them aside and save them for the days when things have not necessarily gone as planned, and the clouds are hanging around a little longer than they should, and may be it will help to cheer you up.

    When you get to your room in the days to come and see these words sitting somewhere in your room, remember that I am here, smiling to think of all the wonderful things about you. It’s so nice to know that words like these can stay beside you, and helps to remind you in all the wonderful days to come that no one is more special to me than you are.

    Heart and souls like ours will always be close. We could be separated from one another by great distances and long passages of time. And yet, upon meeting, we would simply continue on as though we had never been apart. Others would wonder…why is that, and how can that be? And the answer is…in truth, we will never be apart.

    No matter what happens – I’ll always have you, you’ll always have me, and we will always be together.

    When I first knew you, the thought of having you in my life was one of the most wonderful things I could imagine…to have gone from that moment in time to this moment when I am happier than I ever need…to know that miracles really do come true.

    This is my love story…

    I love you so much, and so amazingly. Each day is like a new page that I get the privilege of turning over. When I found you, I just knew how I wanted to fill the empty pages of my life.

    I want to be with you…and I want this love story to have a very happy ending…by never, ever ending at all.

    I know you probably wonder from time to time what you mean to me. If so, then I would like to share this thought with you, to tell you that you mean the world to me….

    Think of something you couldn’t live without…and multiply it by a hundred.
    Think of what happiness means to you…and add it to the feelings you get on the best days you have ever had. Add up all your best feelings and take away all the rest…and what you are left with is exactly how I feel about you.

    You matter more to me than you can imagine and much more than I’ll ever be able to explain.

    I care about you so much. And that caring and that feeling have a meaning that is more precious and more special to me than words can begin to describe. But let me try to tell you this….

    Saying “I care” means that I will always do everything I can to understand. It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me what’s wrong. It means that I will try to fix what I can, that I will listen when you need me to hear, and that – even in your most difficult moment – all you have to do is to say the word, and your hand and my hand will not be apart.

    It means that whenever you speak to me, whether words are spoken through a smile or through a tear…I will listen with my heart.

    I don’t know exactly what it is…but there is something very special about you.

    If I could ever figure out all the magic that makes you so special, I would probably find out that it’s a combination of all beautiful things in you. You are really amazing…I feel very lucky to have been given the gift of knowing how special you are.

    I want to thank you so much. I want to love you, with every smile and every touch. I want to tell you how wonderful you are. I want to let you know…you are my wish on every single star.
    I want you to realize that you will always be the only one who makes me feel like this. And I hope you remember, long after this day is over, and far beyond each smile… in the “always” that lies ahead and “forever” that will be, I’ll still be loving you and thanking you for the joy you have given me.

    I am going to love you all of my life, through whatever comes along. The feelings I have will stay strong and true, knowing that our tomorrow holds so much promise for us.

    I really think that you and I have an opportunity to be as happy as any two people could ever be.

    I find that you are in my mind more often than any other thought. Sometimes I bring you there purposely…to console me or to warm me or just to make my day a little brighter.

    So often you surprise me by finding your way into my thoughts…There are times when I am awake and realize what a tender part of my dreams you have been. And on into the day, whenever a peaceful moment seems to come my way and my imagination is free to run, it takes me running into your arms and allow me to linger there…knowing there is nothing I’d rather do.

    I know that my thoughts are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart…because whenever they wander, they always take me to you.

    I love having you in my life. It has never been the same since you came into it, and I know it will never be the same again.

    I love you so much. You are inside of me, warm within my heart, and you are anywhere in the world that surrounds me.

    You come to me tenderly. You take my soul places it’s never been before. You gave me more of you than I ever knew anyone could give. You gave me feelings that feel like presents almost too beautiful to open. Among the gifts you have given me, one of the most wonderful of all is the joy of being so close to you.

    In the time we have known each other, you have made my sun rise on so many mornings – and I am sure it was you who made my stars come out at night.

    If there will be times when you look at me and see my eyes filled with smiles and tears, it’s only because my heart is so full of happiness and because my life is so thankful for you.

    If I know what love is, it’s because I know you. You are the reason for so many of the smiles I have, and you are the one place my heart always wants to go – when it wants to feel hopeful and grateful and glad.

    If I know what love is, it’s because my thoughts of you have such a beautiful way of gently filling my soul. My thoughts of you are my mornings’ inspiration and my evenings’ comfort. You make everything all right in my world, every time I think of you.

    If I know what love is, it’s because every moment I’ll spend with you is a past, a present, and a future that brings me closer to a wish come true than any fantasy I have ever had. With your own special magic, and in your own marvelous ways, you have given my days more richness and joy and love…than most people will ever dream of.

    It would bring me more joy than I can say if you would never forget – not even for a moment – how wonderful you are…in my eyes and in my heart.

    I am so often at a loss to find the words to tell you how much you mean to me. In my imagination, I compare you with things like the sunshine in my mornings, the most beautiful flowers in the fields, and the happiness I feel on the best days of all.

    You are like the answer to a special prayer, and I think God knew that my world needed someone exactly like you.

    Having someone like you in my life is like having a wish come true. You are a blessing and a miracle. You are a guiding light, and you are a reminder that everything is all right. You and I are on the same wavelength; you like me…for me.

    While we are apart, I want you to keep me in your heart and in your mind. Just quietly close your eyes once in a while and imagine me here, smiling and thinking such thankful thoughts of you. For I spend so many quiet moments of my own thinking how much I miss you, how hard it is to be apart, and how wonderful it is that you are always with me, here in my heart.

    I love you and would sacrifice everything just to stay close to you.

  2. #372
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    احيانا يغادرنا الليل بطوله وتنتزعنا الثواني
    لتبدو العيون تائهة والقلب يفتك به النبض
    وتهوي الانفاس بين كل شهقة وزفرة
    انتظارا لرسالة...
    كنت تبحث في صندوق القلب عنها
    لتفاجأ اخيرا انها

    كانت في الجنك ميل
    شنقت لحظات الانتظار بخيط الغياب ..؟؟؟

  3. #373
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    فعلا ...الجنك ميل ...

  4. #374
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    لم يعد يغريني التحليق ...ولا الهطول في صحار قاحلة ....

    رح اكل toblerone مع فنجان قهوتي وادخن سيجارة ...

  5. #375
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    وماذا بعد ...ربما يلزمنا الان التخلص من حفنة الاحلام تلك ...

    وافراغ حاوية الجنك ميل من كل شيء

    كل شيء ...
    وكل شيء ايضا ....

  6. #376
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    نسيت شيئا ايضا

    تك النافذة ...ما عدت ارغب الوقوف عليها

    ساغلقها للابد ...ومنذ اللحظة

  7. #377
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    قال :
    كم يجذبني النظر في عينيك ..
    ويشدني الى حيث انت قناديل تسكن اطراف اصابعك فتضيء لي ظلمة هذه الردهة
    وكلما طرقت باب ذاكرتي ..
    لا أملك الا
    لي اعناق الحروف اليك ...

    فانتظريني ...

    قلت :
    رهاني عليك كما كان قائما و لما يتبدد
    وكما كنت انت
    فمازلت انت ,,انت
    ملامحك لدي لا تحتمل ثمة شك او بعضا من ظن ..
    حفنة اشواقي ,,,
    تسللت من بين اصابعي ورودا لتمطرك هذا الصباح وتهمس لك
    الا تدري
    كم رتلت لاجلك سحب الندى ؟؟؟!!!
    وكم تهيات لانتظارك عرائس الياسمين
    وكم اشتاقت طرقات الصباح وازقة المساء وسواقي الهمس لقبلاتك
    ....واكثر منه
    كرنفالات كثيرة مازالت بانتظار موسم الفرح
    وطقوسنا الفاتنة تلك تعلقت بأهداب الميادين لتعزف موسيقى قوس القزح
    ترى هل احسن الانتظار ؟؟؟!!!
    وهمسة ...
    اعناق الكلمات لن يعتريها يباس او يصيبها ظما في حضرتك ...

  8. #378
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    واشتهي البقاء بصحبة حرفك الشجي
    وانادي فيروز ان هلمي لتصنعي من ياسمين لحنك عقدا اعلقه على صدر صباحاتك ..يا انت
    ونناجيها سويا

  9. #379
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    مر من هنا يوما
    صمت اهتزت له ارجاء المكان
    بدد سكون الفجر قبل ان ياتي خبر الصباح
    تلفت ..تأمل ..وأدرك ان
    عوالمه مسكونة بكل اطياف الزحام
    وضع رحله على جنح الظلام
    والتحف غيمة الحرف لتهطل على اطراف النهار
    فهو العابر لا يدري سبيل
    الباحث عن وردة ذبلت قبل ان تتفتح
    كانت هنا ... وكان هنا ...
    وربما كانت هي بداية ولم تعلم إنها حديث النهاية!!
    ماكان منذ البدايه ..
    حشد وجموع وحرووف تتساقط مثل زخات المطر ..
    ولكن هل تعلم ..؟؟!!
    رغم كل خطوط الطول ودوائر العرض التي تغلف عالمها
    فمازالت تقبع في تفاصيل ذاكرة اعياها الانتظار
    وما زالت نكهة الامس القريب تعبق على هيئة ثوان كسيرة
    ووبعض احلام مريرة
    ومع كل نبضة من خافقها ينتابها القلق ان تعلن ساعة الهلاك على حين غرة
    همسة :
    قد يفقد الحرف شهيته وقد تموت القصائد قبل الولادة
    ولكن تبقى
    مقبرة الكلمات مشتاقة لان تسمع دعاءا على روح من ماتوا ..

  10. #380
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Wed Feb 2009
    السعودية ..الخبر
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    صباح الحب بتوقيت اشواقي لهمسكَ و وشوشاتِكَ، بهي صباحي لان شمسه تشرق من عينيكَ ، فهل لي أن أسرقكَ من أشيائكَ لازرعكَ غيمة في الافق ..فإن بي رغبة أن أتبلّلَ بكَ حدّ الاصابة بالحمّى ..
    لاني أجاور البحر أفتح عيني عادة وأطل من نافذتي لألقي التحية الصباحية عليه، ولاني أراكَ الآن بحري أوقفتُ تلكَ العادة ووقفتُ على شط عينيكَ متأملة أن تلتهمني موجة من موجاتكَ فتغرقني فيكَ ..
    ها أنا أتورط في تفاصيلكَ سريعا وما كنتُ أعرف أن لهواكَ سرعة سيارة بلا كوابح فكيفَ لي أن اوقفه الا لاموتَ فيكَ ..
    ها أنتَ تسرقني منّي دونَ أن أفكر أن أحتمي بقانون يردني إليّ ،
    ها أنا أخلع عقلي وأرتديكَ رجلا لكل الطقوس، ها أنا أخرج من برودي و أشتهيكَ ..
    يا رجلا أدخل الضوءَ الى دهاليز نفسي صباحكَ عشق وقبلة لن تخطيء بعد اليومَ شفتيكَ ..

صفحة 38 من 43 الأولىالأولى ... 283637383940 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة

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